Tuesday 2 June 2009

Pro-life activitsts murder an abortionist: but I thought it was murder they were campaigning against?

Solving murder with murder is an act that is clearly diluded. Even the blind leading the blind can end up in a happier place, due to a heightened sense of smell perhaps or verbal instructions. Yet it can hardly be disputed that resolving murder with murder is an example of the ignorant leading the ignorant.

Yet Dr George Tiller, a physician from Kansas who performed late-term abortions, was not an idiot. One of few who would provide such services in America, Tiller was shot dead during a church service by a pro-life activist who decided that he, too, would take life into his own hands.

Abortions are subjective, agreed. A women impreganated as a result of rape cannot be placed within the same boat as a careless woman, blinded by alcohol or naivety, wanting to go back to her life of one person simplicity. Yet the murder of Dr Tiller is not the setting for yet further debate of whether or not abortion is wrong, but the absolutely nonsensical action of resolving the actions of so-called 'murdering of children' by murdering the man in question. As campaigners for life, the crime was possibly the most undiplomatic thing they could of done.

How can pro-life activists protest against the murdering of their 'future children' if they condone murder themselves? Dr Tiller performed abortions on women in need, whos pregancies threatened their lives or health. He saved women from creating two ruined lives, and in turn saved one. Activists are known terrorise such doctors, inflicting voilence on and against them, their families and their patients - bombing surgeries, revealing personal details including addresses and phone numbers and victimising recently hospitalised patients. All this for the birth of children who could easily grow up under-developed, poor or neglected, or, even worse, to be pro-life themselves.

To use such a crass metaphor, what these activists seem to need is to be held down and raped, impreganated with the sperm of someone who forced themselves into their body. To walk a mile in the shoes of the women they are victimising, they should be faced with the decision of aborting the foetus inside of them, with which they have no ties, no love, only a resounding feeling of humiliation and violation. Or, if they are so lucky as to not have a vagina, to be held down and inserted with one so they can finally be stripped of their precious power - and bollocks - and made to see the situation from a real perspective.

Pro-choice or pro-life, there is no way of justifying the murder of a man who did a service for women who needed him. If pro-life activists want to make themselves out to be a collection of irrational, ill-thinking lunatics, this is a prime way to do it. Even the most cloudy-minded of people can see that the abortion of a foetus is in no way equal to the murder of a middle-aged doctor. Dr Tiller was a man who could of gone on to save numerous more lives, literally or hypathetically, murdered because some people just cannot allow women the right to choose.


  1. I'm loving this. Pro-Choice all the way!!! =D

  2. Oh that was awesome! Very angry. More please.
